Estimated Market Price (EMP) is the estimated price that people are currently paying dealers to buy a specific vehicle. EMP is based on real sales data, and factors in current supply and demand levels as well as information about dealer incentives and profit margins. EMP is calculated at a national level and is quoted at the base trim level, meaning that EMP is not adjusted to specific regional markets, nor does it include any tax, title, or license fees that a dealer is required to charge. Yahoo! Autos receives Estimated Market Pricing from Automotive Information Center (AIC).source :

Estimated monthly payments are based on Estimated Market Price, 20% down, 6.5% interest rate, 8% sales tax, 48 months.
Pricing Definitions
Estimated Market Price (EMP)
Estimated Market Price (EMP) is the estimated price that people are currently paying dealers to buy a specific vehicle. EMP is based on real sales data, and factors in current supply and demand levels as well as information about dealer incentives and profit margins. EMP is calculated at a national level and is quoted at the base trim level, meaning that EMP is not adjusted to specific regional markets, nor does it include any tax, title, or license fees that a dealer is required to charge. Yahoo! Autos receives Estimated Market Pricing from Automotive Information Center (AIC).
Invoice, also commonly known as "Dealer Invoice", is the price that the vehicle manufacturer charges a dealer to purchase a new vehicle from the manufacturer. The Invoice price includes the base price plus any equipment installed on the vehicle, and it also can include destination charges that the dealer incurs when purchasing the vehicle from the manufacturer. Dealers generally mark-up the invoice price and seek to sell the vehicle at its Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP).
Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP)The Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), also commonly known as the "Sticker Price", "List Price", or "Window Price", is a price that the vehicle manufacturer suggests that the dealer sell the car for. The MSRP shown for a vehicle includes the base price plus any equipment installed on the vehicle, but excludes fees and taxes, transportation and destination charges that the dealer commonly includes in the final price. It is important to know that a dealer may choose to sell the vehicle above, below, or at the listed MSRP. The MSRP is only a "suggested" or recommended price that the vehicle manufacturer provides to the car dealer.
Total Cost To OwnThe Total Cost to Own is an estimate of what it will cost you to own the vehicle over the next 5 years. More detailed Total Cost to Own information is provided at the yearly level (years 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 after purchase) on Yahoo Autos' trim and car comparison pages. The Total Cost to Own uses numerous data elements to calculate the typical price a consumer pays to own the vehicle in a specific market (such as Texas, California, Florida, etc). Included in the Total Cost To Own price are projected depreciation costs, fees and taxes, financing costs, fuel costs, insurance costs, maintenance costs, repair costs, and opportunity costs. The vehicle's market price, destination charge, and current rebates and incentives are factored into the Total Cost to Own price.

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